The West Wittering Memorial Hall, is a registered charity, run by a group of volunteers forming the management committee.
It is self funding from the income raised from the room rentals. It has no other form of income.
The rental income covers all of the normal annual costs for utilities, insurance and routine maintenance.
Over its history there have been occasions when extra funding has been required for items such as the main roof and the addition of the magnificent Jubilee Room and outside store-rooms.
For projects such as these the management committee have a fund raising campaign which has always been successful.
As we approached the Centenary of the Memorial Hall in 2022, the management committee were focused on bringing the hall up to date and in-line with user requirements.
Over the last three years many projects have been completed such as the installation of new lighting in the Jubilee Room, the replacement of all of the electrical fuse boards with new RCD protection units. Other projects which were being considered have been sidelined during the COVID pandemic and we are again looking to implement these over the coming months and years.
It is these projects we are still fund raising for and do hope that you may be able to help us by making a donation of any size.
Thank you to everyone that donated.
The kitchen refurbishment project has been completed and is in full use. The work completed has transformed this working area and we hope everybody will make use of it.
The Main Hall items that were in need of refurbishment have now been completed. The main windows at the end of the hall needed to be replaced, they are double glazed and the seals had gone. This work was completed thanks to a generous donation from the West Wittering Estate).
The stage curtains were also in urgent need of replacement alon
The Main Hall items that were in need of refurbishment have now been completed. The main windows at the end of the hall needed to be replaced, they are double glazed and the seals had gone. This work was completed thanks to a generous donation from the West Wittering Estate).
The stage curtains were also in urgent need of replacement along with the addition of a motor drive assembly to improve the ease of operation. The current curtains have been in place since the early 1980's. This work was completed in conjunction with The Players group who have put on stage productions for many years.
The glass panel doors forming the entrance from the car park into the main corridor and the entrance doors to the courtyard and Jubilee room are in need of replacement.
Made Payable to:- West Wittering Memorial Hall
The Chairman,
c/o 22 Elmstead Park Road,
West Wittering
West Sussex.
PO20 8NQ
Lloyds Bank
Account Name:- West Wittering Memorial Hall
Account Number: - 47088868
Sort Code: - 30-91-97
Ref.: - KF2018